Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carepage substitute:)

While Mom was at St. Josephs Christy updated a carepage to keep us all up to date but now that Mom is at Wesleys we thought we'd update a blog to keep those who are interested in the loop. I noticed when I typed my first entry that I have a hard time calling my Mom "Linda" so FYI- Mom and Linda are the same person and I'll probably use both all the time! We'll try to have whoever is there with Mom update at least a few times a week and put pictures on and let us know what progress she is making. Like I said before, we are keeping her visits just to family right now but I'm sure any letters or pictures or whatever would be great. Dad is at the hospital every day so he could bring anything to her. Thank you for all the prayers you've been sending her way- from what I've heard she has been such a hard worker but again- lots of work left. Thanks again everyone.

1 comment:

Bryon said...

It's great to know that mom is finally back to a place she calls "Home", even if that place is Kansas. Apprecaite your efforts and I'm proud to see how the family is bonding together is support around mom and her recovery. Truly she is a loved woman.